
St. Paul's UCC Church
Assistant Admin. - Allison Duling

Tim Latta - Moderator Pro-Tem
Jim Janovick - Vice Moderator

Bryce Duling - Interim Lay Pastor

Office Hours:
Wednesday & Thursday: Noon - 6:00PM & by appointment Tuesday through Friday

Worship Service: 10:30 AM
  after the "Passing of the peace" in the service . The kids are invited to go downstairs for activities during the rest of the  Worship Service!
Online at
Facebook  or In-Person at the Church

The Facebook livestream is NOW posted at the bottom of this page for Non-facebook users the next day.

We have a second website

Live Worship Services available on our
 Facebook Page

We have established online banking with PayPal
Click on the link below.

Iowa Conference
Iowa, Nebraska, & South Dakota Conferences of the United Church of Christ

United Church of Christ

St Paul's Church & Family Recipes

Past Sermons

April 7th 2024

Worship this Sunday!

We will  be doing a
live-stream @
St.Paul's UCC Madrid IA Facebook page
Prayer concerns will be presented before the live-stream audio starts.

Prayer Circle on Facebook!

Help the Sunday School kids with their offering project "Mile of Pennies"!

St Paul's with the help of Greater Love Ministries

and other churches are going to continue the Kids Food Program.
Food sacks will go home Fridays for both Ele & High School kids.


If you need
Pastoral Care contact a Deacon:
Connie D, Sarah B or Mike B, Linda D, Deb W & Karen E
St Paul's Army of Angels contacts - Deb W & Karen E

Join us on Facebook
St. Paul's UCC Madrid IA
and our

Coffee & Fellowship after church!

Life DID come with an instruction manual.
It's called the Bible!


St. Paul's United Church of Christ
is a member congregation
of the
Iowa Conference of the
United Church of Christ

In 1957 the Congregational Christian Church and the Evangelical and Reformed Church united to form a new denomination, the United Church of Christ. This union brought together the oldest denomination entirely born in the United States, the Congregational Christian Church and a denomination that, while uniquely American in spirit, also had solid roots in old Europe. The United Church of Christ celebrated it's 50th birthday in 2007.

St Paul's is the oldest & the youngest churchs in Madrid, Ia.
It started with the settling of Madrid (Swede Point) with a traveling pastor and tent revivals. Later the joining of the 1st Christian Church and the Methodist Church to form St Paul's!


We are a OCWM 5 for 5 church !

St Paul's is a member church of
Madrid Home Communities

Music Videos


Into the Mystic' is the Rev. John C. Dorhauer's (UCC General Minister and President) weekly podcast !

The Upper Room Magazines are
located in our "Little Church"!
”No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome at St. Paul’s United Church of Christ!”!

   The  Lord’s Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

Blessing from Numbers 6:24-26
All: The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.   


Upcoming Events:

February 2025
Feb 2 - Confirmation/Sunday School/Worship/Communion 10:30AM Pastor Bryce  -) Chr. Ed Meeting (before church)  & Worship Committee (after church ) Tiger Bowl Bowling Party
Feb 4 - 10am FEEDING the KIDS program -  packing the food bags
Feb 5 -  9:00AM - Bible Study
Feb 6 -  5:00PM Evening Bible Study
Feb 9 - Sunday School/Worship/10:30AM - Pastor Bryce  Board Meeting  (after church)
Feb 12 - 9:00AM - Bible Study
Feb 13 - 5:00PM Evening Bible Study-10:30AM Evening Circle-6:30-8pm Valentine's Crafts/Game Nite (Board & Card games, Crafts, and more)
Feb 15
- 4:30PM - Valentine’s Dinner - CANCELED with entertainment
Feb 16 - Confirmation/Sunday School/Worship/10:30AM - Pastor Bryce- Finance & Mission Meeting  (after church)
Feb 18 -
Madrid Ministerial/Community Leaders - 1:30PM @ St Paul's Church
- 9:00AM - Bible Study
Feb 20 - 5:00PM Evening Bible Study
Feb 23 - Confirmation/Sunday School/Worship/10:30AM - Pastor Bryce Diaconate Meeting (after church)
Feb 26 - 9:00AM - Bible Study
Feb 27 - 5:00PM Evening Bible Study

Upcoming in March -Performance at the  DM Playhouse

Madrid Ministerial Association's Lenten Lunch Schedule
3/12 -11:30am - Pastor Don at the Social Center hosted by Hopkins Grove
3/19 -11:30am - Pastor Bryce at St. John's
3/26 -11:30am - Preacher Sam at the E-Free Church
4/2 -11:30am - Pastor Craig at St. Malachy's
4/9 -11:30am - Pastor Damian at St. Paul's
4/16 Holy Week
4/20 Easter
St Paul's Members & Friends Prayer List:

We Pray..... for this church and our church family for the loss of loved ones and health issues and to help us do God's work…Gracious God, surround us. Strengthen us. Sustain us. Give us Hope because we need you Dear Lord. Amen.!


If you would like to be added to our Email  Prayer List please email Web Designer & to the Church.

2023 Committee Meeting Schedule

Christian Education - 1st Sunday of the Month (Before worship)
Worship Committee -
1st Sunday of the Month (after worship)
Board Meeting - 2ndSunday of the Month   (after worship)
Finance& Mission -
3rd Sunday of the Month (after worship)
Diaconate - 4th Sunday of the Month (after worship)
Pastor-Parish Relations - 4th Sunday of the Month/quarterly (after worship)

Trustees, Lay Life & Work & Membership/Church Growth - as needed

St. Paul's Newsletter - Calendar - Monthly Events


Fellowship Coffee Hour after Church

Communion - 1st Sunday of the Month 
Board Meetings  -
2nd Sunday (after Church)
Ladies Evening Circle
-10:30AM 2nd Thursday
“Army of Angels”  Contact Deb W or Karen E if you need help.
Choir - We are look for a Music director
Great Love Ministry Food Item Sunday - 4th Sunday of the Month

Coffee Schedule:
1st Sunday -
Men Group
2nd Sunday - Evening Circle
3rd Sunday -
Worship Committee
4th Sunday - Lay Life & Work
5th Sunday - Pastor Parish Relations Committee


2024 Board & Committees

2023 Membership List

2024 Ushers & Readers List & Duties

2024 Constitution and ByLaws (Amended 10/27/24-Calling of a Pastor...changed from 90% approval to 67% approval of members present)the
Previous Constitution & ByLaws
Amended 11/20/16) (changes in Red)

Wedding/Funeral Guidelines

Behavioral Covenant

Request for Payment Form/Doc PDF

Iowa Conference & UCC Websites

Tri-Conference UCC Information (Iowa-Nebraska-SouthDakota)


Iowa Conference website
Iowa Conference Office

5609 Douglas Ave.
Des Moines, Iowa 50310
Phone: 515-277-6369

Sioux Falls Office
3500 S Phillips Ave, Ste100
Sioux Falls, SD 57105
515.277.6369 605.338.8738

See the Web Calendar on the Iowa Conference homepage
.. ALSO REMEMBER, we have Continuing Education opportunities on our website all year round.Visit here to learn more!

SMILE FOR JESUS...Please take some pictures and send them to us in .jpg format. We want to tell your story on our website picture scroll. Be sure to have anyone in picture(s) sign-off on picture releases.

Upcoming Events with the Tri-Conference UCC
Special Offering Calendar for 5 for 5 Churches
1) March - One Great Hour of Sharing (4th Sunday of Lent)
2) May - Strengthen the Church (Pentecost Sunday)
3) Oct - Neighbors in Need (1st Sunday of October - World Communion)
4) Dec - Christmas Fund (St Paul's traditionally gives on Christmas Eve)
These are the words that Annual Meeting delegates wrote on red ribbons to express their dreams and visions for the Iowa Conference!


The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace! - Numbers 6:24-26

This Week's Service